just an update on stuff:

First i want to apologize as I haven’t really posted anything recently, the reason for this is I’ve been really busy but also I’ve been feeling quite down and my head has been like blank on what to post, so sorry for that. But a general update (to be honest i don’t have much to […]

Right now…

Well first off want to apologize for not posting a lot recently and also if i have it’s mainly glum. But yeah saw this photo and it pretty much sums up a little so i had to post it!

in my pockets…

Just put a jacket on and put my hands in my pockets, what comes out? mints in one hand, poo bags in the other. I always have mints in my pockets because i love them ( especially mint imperials) so i always have one before i go out of the house. And the other hand […]

a mini celebration

I’m having a little mini celebration within my head about how happy I am that finally school has broken up and I now have 2 weeks of holiday. Yes I have homework, but i also have a lot of sleep to catch up on and friends to see, so they come first. I’m frankly amazed […]